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About ME

“And sometimes I have kept my feelings to myself, because I could find no language to describe them in.” ~ Jane Austen

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I am a woman of few words but many passions, many of which you will learn as you explore the pages of this site. Here are a few things of note: 

I started my first business in was in 7th grade, and entrepreneurship was my dream long before then.


I am moved to tears by beauty and well written prose.


I am excited over anything to do with culture and language, especially when it connects to food. 

I never fancied myself a writer, but I now know that I have been blessed to posses it as a gift. 


I do not have many friends, but those I have are family.

Food is a creative escape. I love it more for the stories it tells than its taste. (But I only like food that tastes good.)


Above all the things, I love Jehovah God, without whom I would not be alive or be who I am today.  

It is a pleasure to have you here, welcome home. 





Salonniere, Raconteur, Avant-garde, Esthète

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